Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The govt of india finally did something that the students would love to hear!!!
They are providing us with Tablet PC(something like a mini laptop) for a price of just rs 1500/- (i.e. $35)
It was announced long back bu i doubted if the news will appear saying "tablet pc cancelled by govt and funds returned" kinda headline!! But to my suprise nothing like that happened!!
It can be used for  Zip-Unzip feature, PDF Reader, SciLab,multimedia content(photos,videos etc) , OpenOffice(its in linux just like M.S.Offfice of windows os) and a browser for social networking websites like Facebook and Myspace .
Evrything is perfect except nothing about gaming has been announced...we dont yet know if we can do some good gaming on it!!!
It all seems too good to be comin at a price of 1500 but the limitation is only to students and lecturers...
(Thats not a big problem for outsiders to obtain!!!)
The specifications are as follows:
Display: Touch Screen
Keyboard: Built in
Connectivity: Wifi, USB
Operating System: Linux
Power: 2 watt

The feature that caught my eye most id the power...It uses only 2 watt so it can operate even in places where power supply is low!!!
 Where to buy it??? Yeah the main need to search for buying...These will be distrubeted amoung all institutions by HRD govt!
Its planned to launch by the end of 2011!!!
Turns out to be good news to all those who dint yet buy a laptop and a little disappoting one for those who did!!
We should still wait and see for its release as i doubt it!!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apple iPhone 3G price just 19,990????~!!!!!

Apple is taking Android devices head-on and has now brought down the iPhone 3G S price to Rs. 19,990/ competing directly with several Android devices in that range.
iPhone 3GS Price in India
iPhone 3GS in India
In India, iPhone 3G S was launched in March of 2010 and the price of iPhone 3G S in India was Rs 35,500 (16GB) and Apple has now slashed the price by 15K [via, a tweet from mahesh Telecom].
As per Apple, iPhone 3G S will support iOS5 (beta 2, though not all features will be supported).
So where does that leave Nexus S and several other HTC/Samsung based Android devices? fyi: [Nexus S price in India is also, 19,900/].
So would you go for Android devices like Nexus S, HTC Desire or iPhone 3G S?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Facebook Automatically Tagging your face

Face book announced that it will soon start automatically suggesting your name for tagging photos any time it thinks it recognizes you in a picture. This automatic facial recognition is the default and will be done unless you explicitly opt out.
It looks like you need to customize your privacy settings to disable this. In Facebook, look under the “account” menu and select “Privacy Settings”.
From there click the “Customize settings” link at the bottom of the table. Within there, look for ”Suggest photos of me to friends”, and set it to “Disabled”.
I suspect that few people will simply stumble on that.
Other people tagging you in photos can lead to embarrassment you might want to avoid. Having your name suggested just makes that more likely.
While you are at it, you might want to change the setting that allows others to “check you in” to locations. That can tell thieves you are away from home or stalkers where to find you.