Apple is taking Android devices head-on and has now brought down the iPhone 3G S price to Rs. 19,990/ competing directly with several Android devices in that range.
In India, iPhone 3G S was launched in March of 2010 and the price of iPhone 3G S in India was Rs 35,500 (16GB) and Apple has now slashed the price by 15K [via, a tweet from mahesh Telecom].
As per Apple, iPhone 3G S will support iOS5 (beta 2, though not all features will be supported).
So where does that leave Nexus S and several other HTC/Samsung based Android devices? fyi: [Nexus S price in India is also, 19,900/].
So would you go for Android devices like Nexus S, HTC Desire or iPhone 3G S?
In India, iPhone 3G S was launched in March of 2010 and the price of iPhone 3G S in India was Rs 35,500 (16GB) and Apple has now slashed the price by 15K [via, a tweet from mahesh Telecom].
As per Apple, iPhone 3G S will support iOS5 (beta 2, though not all features will be supported).
So where does that leave Nexus S and several other HTC/Samsung based Android devices? fyi: [Nexus S price in India is also, 19,900/].
So would you go for Android devices like Nexus S, HTC Desire or iPhone 3G S?
The page you point says ...Google Nexus S Available in India For Rs. 27999
ReplyDeletethank you...will recheck from next time!!!