Saturday, January 5, 2013


As i was going through the inventions of last year i found a very interestsing invention in the first week of january 2012. About cotton fibers that can conduct electricity,. yes natural cotton fibers... 
At first even i thought its all some electrical thingy.. no its pure natural fibers doped with gold nano particles . The cellulose which form the fibers is naturally insulating, so to make it conductive they doped it with gold nano particles.
Think of the wide range of possibilities it opens to us. 
Carpets that can count how many people waled on it, t shirts that can show you the amount of pollution or the level of various gases in air at the place you r standing.. Almost all the electronic equipment can be built up in fabric level. It might revolutionarize the fabric/ textile industry around the globe. 
Electonics of cotton.. Who might have a problem!!
This is the link to the IEEE aritcle.
WOW.. YEAH thats what i felt on first look.. But on giving it a deeper thought I had some doubts... 
>> What will happen to those carpets when people start walking on them.. wont the fibers break?
>>Are those clothes resistant to water or detergent? come on!! i wanna wear a clean shirt~
>>What if the devices made of these fibers get dirty?can they be steam cleaned?
>> What about the resistance and sustainability to the natural weather conditions?
>>Can i use vacuum cleaner on it??
>> Many other similar doubts were not answered in the article.

The thing is it is just the beginning of something big , if it gets big!
A lot of research is to be put into the field. a lot of experiments, lot of improvements, research, findings, failures, success and a lot of so much.
Then the expectations that i had in the first lines of the article may be satisfied!!!

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