Monday, October 10, 2011

Exclusive: Aakash-- the tablet by MHRD

By now you must have seen on Tv about the Aakash tablet this weekend. In case you missed out check out the videos:

But the excitement doesn't end there :)  Its been 2 weeks since students from government colleges all over the country were invited by the MHRD to IIT Rajasthan to review the product and we have it there in solid form. Check out some pics.

Also coming up soon is  a review by one of the users who used it hands on!! So stay glued to this place

Till then, Ciao


  1. 800 components means greater risk of stability.
    That is why OLPC has only 5 parts.

    In an ideal setting the cost of manufacturing should be the same globally, being the cheapest where the raw material and the technology is created.

    We can make any device to any price point. Just that its functionalities pro-rate the cost.

    The key question is, will it help a child start learning? Its a special purpose, limited device. What children need is a general purpose device that helps the learn with and without teachers, makes learning enjoyable and fun and helps them start learning from alphabets and numbers..

    How children learn greatly impacts the way they will think in the future. Giving them a cheap gadget may be an "India solution" but that will also keep India the way it is, firmly in the role of followers for a long time.

    What India should ask is what is required to make India creative, to reap its demographic dividend and then find answers that help address those questions. Simply creating a cheap device is hardly a solution.

    So, the minister as shown off a $60 device after promising a $35 device and can still give it away for $35.

    May have been better if the Minister had not fudged the issue of education and clarified that the tablet is a first step in the direction of a creating a "meaningful device" that will be produced at the lowest cost in the world.

  2. Has anyone got hold of the device?. 1080P with 256MB ram. Some claim that. One would have to see the actual chips inside to decide wether it has any upstream kernel support and that it does not wind up like the 40Crs of PCs dished out by the Maharashtra state edu dept., or the huge number of low cost near junk devices on the market right now. Datawind's former avtaars were Widecom Canada and Patel's Widecom India Ltd. In some other interview he claimed that manufacture was in their Noida setup. Lots of rubbish about patents too. Someone remind him he's using Android and a linux kernel.
